Use Windows Phone Groups on your Nokia Lumia 900
To create a new Group is easier than you think. It's based around the People Tile on the Start screen. Tap People and this will open the Nokia Lumia 900’s People Hub. Then, tap New button at the bottom of the screen – this is simply a case of tapping the ‘+’ symbol – and then, on the page that opens up, just tap the option to create New Group.
Now, give your Group a name that means something to you using the onscreen keyboard and then tap the Save button at the bottom of the screen to create it. Once the Group has been created, you can add it to your Start Screen as a shortcut simply by tapping the Pin button at the bottom of the screen.
With your Group created, you can now start adding contacts to it. To do this, just tap to open your new Group – located at the top of your Contacts list – then tap Edit at the bottom of the screen – illustrated with an icon of a pen – and then tap the option labelled Add a Contact near the top of the screen.
You can then just scroll through your contacts list and tap each contact you want to add to the group on your Nokia Lumia 900. You can then use the Group to send texts, emails and updates to the entire group in one fell swoop, as well as stay up to date on all their own updates via your new Windows Phone Start screen Live Tile.
This is a quick and easy tip that helps you get more from your Nokia Lumia 900 Windows Phone.